Truck Simulator Concept Maps

This is a guide to making concept maps for American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. I will keep the instructions fairly generic but this guide will focus on creating concept maps for American Truck Simulator, specifically for New York State. The goal of this guide will be to produce a plausible and accurate map for NYS that mimics the style of the maps found in-game.

Software Installation

In order to make these maps we need to install some software. Luckily all the software we need are FOSS and available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Specifically we need:

The actual process of installing these programs is outside the scope of this guide. Follow the documented instructions for each application as linked to above.

You will also need software that can extract ZIP archives. I have no specific recommendation since such software is readily available for all systems and is often built-in.

In addition to software, we need some additional resources:

Data Acquisition

After you have installed the necessary software, the next step is to acquire the GIS data necessary to make an accurate map. There are three general classes of GIS data you need:

In the United States, both the individual states and the federal government maintain such data online. For consistency and ease of use, we will use the data provided by the United States Census Bureau. As works of the United States federal government all data we acquire from the Census Bureau is in the public domain and we are free to do with it as we wish.

The data we wish to acquire is part of the Census Bureau's Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) dataset.

US Census Bureau TIGER Homepage

Region Boundaries

The first piece of data we will acquire is the boundary data for the states and territories. This can be found by navigating to the Cartographic Boundary Shapefiles product from the TIGER homepage linked above.

US Census Bureau TIGER Cartographic Boundary Shapefiles

The specific files we want are found through the State link under Nation-based Files.

Here we're given the option to choose between various years and resolutions. Let's choose the most recent (2016) and highest resolution (500k, the lower the number the higher the resolution) with the file (3.14MB). Save this file in a safe location.

Road Centerlines

The next piece of data we need to acquire is road centerline data. This data can be found by navigating to the TIGER/Line Shapefiles product from the TIGER homepage as linked above.

From there we need to choose a year; again, let's just use the most recent (2017), and then select the Web interface option from the Download menu.

In the select boxes on the left, choose 2017 for Select year and Roads for Select a layer type, and then click Submit.

We are then given the choice of the granularity of the road data we want. We can choose either:

Let's choose the second option, primary and secondary roads. This won't give us every one-lane road in the country, but it's sufficient detail for what we want to accomplish. For this level, we need to choose a specific state or territory, so let's choose New York and then press Download. This should now download the file (8.77MB). Again, save this file someplace safe.

Place Areas

The final piece of data we need to acquire is not critical but is useful nonetheless. Repeat the previous steps that you used to acquire the road data, except instead of selecting Roads for Select a layer type, select Places and press Submit.

Again, we need to choose a specific state or territory, so let's choose New York again and press Download. This should now download the file (2.66MB). Again, save this file someplace safe.

Data Import

Now that we have acquired all the requisite data, we can turn our attention to setting up our project and importing the data.

Firstly, start QGIS Desktop (not QGIS Browser).

From the menu click Project > New. You'll be met with an uninspiring blank window.

Immediately save this project by click Project > Save. You will be prompted for a location and name to save the project under. Create a new directory somewhere specifically for this project and save the project file there. I've named my directory trucksim-concepts and have named my project likewise. From here on out, I will refer to this directory as PROJECT_ROOT.

Next, navigate to PROJECT_ROOT in whatever file explorer your system uses and create a new directory data inside of it. In this directory create three more directories: raw, prepared, and cooked. These directories are where we will store all the data we will need for the project. The raw directory will store unmodified versions of the data we retrieved from the Census Bureau (or other source), the prepared directory will store modified versions of the data we retrieved but which isn't used to generate the final map, and the cooked directory will store the data that will produce the final map. These particular names are arbitrary, but they are the convention we will follow for this tutorial.

Inside the raw directory create three additional directories:

Again, these names are arbitrary but when dealing with a lot of data organization is important. The scheme for each of these directories is <source>-<country>[-<subdivison>]-<type>-<version>. The source is this case indicates the data is from the United States Census Bureau. Country codes are ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, while subdivision codes are ISO 3166-2 codes. For Americans, state and territory ISO 3166-2 codes are equivalent to two-letter United States Postal Service abbreviations. Type indicates the basic kind of data that is stored, while version is some string which allows multiple iterations of the same data to be distinguished.

Now, extract the contents of to uscb-us-boundaries-2016, the contents of to uscb-us-ny-roads-2017, and the contents of to uscb-us-ny-places-2017. Once extracted, each directory should contain eight files. At this point it is a good idea to make all these files read-only using whatever means your operating system has available to you. This should prevent you for accidentally modifying the data in QGIS.

Now in QGIS, click Layer > Add Layer > Add Vector Layer... from the menu.

Click the Browse button and navigate to your uscb-us-boundaries-2016 directory. Select the .shp file and click the Open button in the Add vector layer dialog. You should now see an image of the United States with all its states and territories in your main window.

(Don't worry if your colors differ from the ones in the screenshots in this guide, QGIS assigns them randomly).

One thing that you may immediately notice is that the United States looks weird, specifically, you likely think the United States looks stretched horizontally, especially Alaska. Welcome to the world of map projections. Due to how the math works, it's impossible to perfectly render the surface of a sphere (like a planet) onto a two dimensional surface (like a computer monitor). Therefore there are a variety of map projections which take the spherical coordinates and translate them onto a plane. However, because it's impossible to do this perfectly, each projection does things differently and you get different results. No result is really more "correct" than any other, they all make various tradeoffs, but the above looks "wrong" to us, because it's not what we're used to. So in order to fix this we need to make QGIS use a projection that is more like what we are used to. By default, QGIS will use the EPSG:4269 projection, we're going to change it to the EPSG:3857 projection, which is used by most online mapping sites like OpenStreetMap. In order to do that select Project > Project Properties... from the menu and go to the CRS tab.

Enable the Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation (OTF) checkbox and in the Filter input, enter EPSG:3857. Only a single result should remain, WGS 84 / Psuedo Mercator.

Select it, and click the OK button. The United States should now look more like we're used to.

The map is currently zoomed out to show the entire world. However, since we'll be focusing on New York, let's zoom in on it. Click View > Select > Select Feature(s) from the menu and then click on New York.

Now click View > Zoom to Selection to have QGIS zoom the map to have NYS fill the screen.

Now click View > Select > Deselect Features from All Layers to clear your selection.

Next let's add the place data. Again, click Layer > Add Layer > Add Vector Layer..., click the Browse button and navigate to the uscb-us-ny-places-2017 directory and select the .shp file in that directory. Click the Open button in the Add vector layer dialog to add it to the map.

Finally, let's add the road data. Repeat the above steps, but now navigate to uscb-us-ny-roads-2017 and select the .shp file in that directory.

We now have all the data we need in QGIS to start working in earnest but before we get to that, let's do some house cleaning. On the left of QGIS should be a Layers Panel. Each layer represents the data we just imported. Right now each layer is named based on the file its data came from. To make things more consistent, right click on each layer and choose Rename. Then rename each layer to match the directory that contains it:

Finally, let's select some consistent styling for these layers. Since it is often very involved and there are so many options, we will not be going over the specifics of how layers are styled. Instead, I will provide you with an existing style that you can import into your project. However, I still encourage you to investigate yourself how to change and alter styles.

First, create a directory within your PROJECT_ROOT named styles and then extract the contents of the you previously downloaded into it. The styles directory should now contain the following 14 files directly under it:

Then, right click on the raw/uscb-us-boundaries-2016 layer and select Properties.

The Style tab should be automatically selected. Click on the Style button at the bottom and click on the Load Style option. Then navigate to the raw-boundaries.qml file and open it. Finally, click the OK button in the Layer Properties dialog to apply the new style.

Repeat the same operation for the places and roads layers.

Finally, let's set the background of the entire map to black to mimic the style of the in-game maps. From the menu, select Project > Project Properties....

and then under the General tab click the Background color select box and in the HTML notation input enter #000000 and press OK and OK again.

Data Preparation

Before we can really begin working we need to prepare some data layers that will make our work easier.


The first thing we need to do is create a layer which contains only our New York State boundary. To do so, make sure the raw/uscb-us-boundaries-2016 layer is selected in the Layers Panel and then click View > Select > Select Features by Value....

For the STUSPS field enter NY and enable Case sensitive and select Equal to (=) in the rightmost select input.

Then click the Select features button. You may now click the Close button to dismiss the dialog. New York State (and only New York State) should be highlighted to indicate it is selected.

Technically, we could have accomplished the same by simply clicking on NYS, but the above operation of selecting features based on some specific attribute is something we're going to be using a lot, so we might as well get used to it now.

Now that NYS is selected, right click on the raw/uscb-us-boundaries-2016 layer and click Save As....

We need to change a few options before saving:

Leave all other options as is and click the OK button. You should now have an additional layer named us-ny-boundary.

For consistency's sake, rename this layer to cooked/us-ny-boundary. Now click the X next to each raw/ layer to hide it from view. You should now have a map that contains only the outline of New York State.

A brief note on our naming conventions: since the data in this layer was produced by us, derived from other data, it is not raw and since it will be in our final map it is cooked.

Since this layer will be in our final map, we should try to make it appear like how it would in-game. Start American Truck Simulator or Euro Truck Simulator, open the world map, and take a screenshot for reference.

The design of each state/country on the map is fairly simple: a dark gray background with a light gray border.

Now, right click on the cooked/us-ny-boundary layer, click Properties, and then click on the Style tab. Click on the Style button at the bottom of the dialog window and click Load Style. Open the cooked-boundaries.qml file that you previously saved and click OK in the Layer Properties dialog to apply it.

Remember to save your project before moving on.


The next thing we want to do is prepare our place data. The Census Bureau provides the place data as polygons which cover the area of the places, which is useful in general, but not particularly useful to us. More useful data to us would be points which represent the center of such areas, since that's basically all we care about for the purposes of our map. Luckily, deriving this data is relatively easy in QGIS.

First click the X next to the raw/uscb-us-ny-places-2017 layer to make it visible once again and click on it to make it the selected layer.

With this layer selected, from the menu click on Vector > Geometry Tools > Polygon centroids. This will open a new dialog.

For Input layer select raw/uscb-us-ny-places-2017 [EPSG:4269]. For Centroids click the ... button on the right side and click Save to file.... Navigate to your prepared directory and create a new directory within it named us-ny-places. Save the file inside this directory with the same name.

Now click the Run to let QGIS work its magic. Once done (it shouldn't take more than a couple of seconds), you should have a new layer named Centroids which produces a bunch of dots on top of our map.

The dots are point data which represent the centroids of the place polygons we got from the Census Bureau. For consistency's sake, let's rename the Centroids layer to prepared/us-ny-places. Apply the prepared-places.qml style to this new layer.

Also disable the visibility of the raw/uscb-us-ny-places-2017 layer.

Note that since this layer contains data we derived ourselves, but which won't appear in the final map, it is prepared. Therefore we still need to create the cooked version of this data. In order to do so right click on the prepared/us-ny-places and click Save As.... Use the following options:

Click the OK button. You should now have a new layer named us-ny-places. Again, for consistency, rename it to cooked/us-ny-places.

Since this is suppose to be our final data, we don't want those points, so let's delete them. Select the cooked/us-ny-places layer, click View > Select > Select All Features, then click Layer > Toggle Editing.

Now click Edit > Delete Selected and Layer > Toggle Editing. QGIS should prompt you to save changes, click Save. The cooked/us-ny-places layer should now be empty and ready for us to add our own data when we're ready. Click the X next to the prepared/us-ny-places layer to disable its visibility.


The final and most important piece of data we need to prepare for are roads. In order to do so, enable the visibility of the raw/uscb-us-ny-roads-2017 layer.

Similar to what we did with the place data above, right click on the raw/uscb-us-ny-roads-2017 and click Save As.... Follow similar steps to what we did above, except save the layer to cooked/us-ny-roads.shp. Make sure you use the Project CRS, instead of the default. Rename the new us-ny-roads layer to cooked/us-ny-roads. Repeat the steps above to delete all the features in this new layer. When complete you should have an empty cooked/us-ny-roads layer. Click the X next to the raw/uscb-us-ny-roads-2017 to disable its visibility. Now the only layers visible should be the cooked/ layers which represent the final map. Since we have added no places nor roads the map should just be the outline of New York.

We are now ready to begin constructing our map in earnest.

Map Construction


Probably the first thing we need to decide is what cities our map will include. Our choice of cities will dictate which routes we should use. Selecting cities is more of an art than a science, but things to consider are:

With the above considerations, the 14 cities I've chosen for New York State are:

  1. Albany
  2. Binghamton
  3. Buffalo
  4. Corning
  5. Glens Falls
  6. Islip
  7. New York
  8. Newburgh
  9. Plattsburgh
  10. Riverhead
  11. Rochester
  12. Syracuse
  13. Utica
  14. Watertown

Now that we've chosen our cities, we need to add them to a final, cooked, map. First enable visibility for our prepared/us-ny-places layer.

Now select the layer and click Layer > Open Attribute Table.

The attribute table lists all the features (individual elements) that make up the map layer and the data associated with each other. Our goal is to identify any fields that can help us select specific features that we're interested in. Luckily for us one such field is readily apparently: NAME, which appears to contain the common name for each place location. Now that we've established that, close the attribute table dialog. Now with the layer still selected, click View > Select > Select Features by Value....

In the Select features by value, in the NAME field, enter Albany, and change the filter type to Equal to (=).

Now click the Select features button. You should get a blue notification at the top of the map window indicating that exactly one feature was selected.

Close the Select features by value dialog and you should see a dot near the eastern middle section of the state highlighted, this is Albany.

Now we want to copy this to our cooked layer. In order to do so, click Edit > Copy Features. Now we need to paste it in our cooked layer. Select the cooked/us-ny-places layer, and click Layer > Toggle Editing. Now click Edit > Paste Features. You should get a blue notification that exactly one feature was pasted. The Albany marker should also have a red X over it, indicating that it is editable.

Click Layer > Toggle Editing, QGIS should prompt you to save changes to the layer, click Save to do so. Now disable the visibility of the prepared/us-ny-places layer. You should now have a single marker on your map from the cooked/us-ny-places layer for Albany.

All good so far, but remember that this is supposed to be our final map, and place markers in the in-game map certainly don't look like that. Let's try to modify the style of the layer to make it more like the in-game map. First by looking at the in-game map, we notice that place markers appear like large circles with a orange radial gradient that transitions to white near the center. The markers also feature the name of the city above it in orange sans-serif letters with a black outline. Apply the premade style cooked-places.qml to this layer.

Now let's repeat the steps to copy our all of our chosen cities from the prepared layer to the cooked layer.

Looking good!


Now that we have our cities in place, we need to add roads to connect them. In the case of the United States, there are three main kinds of roads we care about: interstates, US highways, and state highways. Also, specifically for New York State, we want to avoid any road that is designated as a parkway since trucks are not permitted on them.

Building out our road network is more art than science, but we generally want to have a robust network that would enable players to travel between any city pairs without going significantly out of their way. Where to begin is up to you, but let's say we want to start with connecting the state's largest city (New York) to its capital (Albany). If we open OpenStreetMap we'll see that there's a pretty obvious route connecting New York to Albany.

Zooming in further reveals this route to be I-87, Interstate 87.

Therefore, let's see if we can add I-87 to our map. In order to do so, however, we first need to find I-87 on our map. Therefore, enable the visibility of the raw/uscb-ny-roads-2017 layer. Select it, right click, and click on Open Attribute Table.

Scan through the attributes to get a sense of what the data looks like. From a brief look, it appears the following facts are true:

We can use this information to filter down all the roads to only those that represent I-87. Therefore, close the attribute table, select the raw/uscb-us-ny-roads-2017 layer and click on View > Select > Select Features by Value.... In the Select features by value dialog, for the FULLNAME row, enter I- 87 (note the space), enable Case sensitive, and change the filter option to Equal to (=).

Now select the Select features button. You should see a blue notification informing you that 29 features have been selected and you should also see the route of I-87 highlighted in yellow, spanning the north-south length of NYS.

Click Edit > Copy Features. Select the cooked/us-ny-roads layer and click Layer > Toggle Editing. Now click Edit > Paste Features. The route of I-87 should now be copied into the cooked/us-ny-roads layer.

Click on Layer > Toggle Editing and click Save when prompted to save the layer. Click on View > Select > Deselect Features from All Layers. Disable visibility of the raw/uscb-us-ny-roads-2017 layer.

Great, we now have I-87 on our cooked layer connecting New York, Newburgh, Albany, Glens Falls, and Plattsburgh (and Canada further north). However, this is our cooked layer, the expectation is that it should look like the in-game map. However, styling roads is complicated by the fact that there are two road styles: a thick one for major routes like interstates and a thin one for more minor routes like state highways. Luckily, QGIS's styling system is robust enough to change styles based on the attribute of the feature, so we'll style all interstates in the thick style and all US and state highways in the minor style. Apply the cooked-roads.qml style to this layer.

Let's add a state highway to make sure our rule-based styling works correctly. Repeat the previous steps, except this time select State Rte 12.

Great, we now have NY-12 which connects Binghamton, Utica, and Watertown. It also appears our rule-based styling is working correctly as it appears thinner than I-87.

However, there is one problem. NY-12 continues beyond Watertown to an empty area on our map. Now, while I'm sure such areas are great in real life, we simply have no room for them, thus making this northern extent of NY-12 extraneous. Luckily, we can trim it down.

First, zoom into the area so that Watertown is at the bottom of the viewport.

Now select the cooked/us-ny-roads layer and click on Layer > Toggle Editing.

Now click View > Select > Select Feature(s) and draw a box around the road segments north of Watertown to select them.

Now click Edit > Delete Selected. Then click Layer > Toggle Editing and click Save when prompted. NY-12 should now terminate in Watertown.

Click on View > Zoom Full to go back to a view which encompasses the entire state.

Now continue adding and trimming roads in this manner to build your desired road network.

At some point you may need to trim your road network but there is not a useful split in the features where you would like to make the split. For example, I wish to smoothly connect I-495 on Long Island to NY-27. But where the split occurs would not allow that smooth connection to occur:

If this occurs, make sure the cooked/us-ny-roads layer is selected and click View > Select > Select Feature(s) and draw a box around the road segments that you wish to split like in the example image above. Then click on Layer > Toggle Editing.

Then click on Edit > Split Features, now click somewhere near where you wish the road segment to be split, as you move your mouse around you should see a dashed red line, click again across the road segment where you want it to be split, like you're slicing a loaf of bread.

Now right click to complete the action. Now click View > Select > Deselect Features from All Layers to clear your selection.

Now use View > Select > Select Feature(s) to draw a box around the segments you want to remove. You should now see that the road segments are split at the point you cut them.

Now click on Edit > Delete Selected to remove those segments.

Finally, click Layer > Toggle Editing and save the project when prompted.

Continue adding and trimming road segments in this manner until you satisfied with the results. In my case, this is what I produced:

This looks pretty, the only thing really missing are the highway shields.


Highway shields are the signs which indicate the type and number of the different roads. In our case, we need three different shield types: interstate, US highway, and NY state route. We also need standard and wide versions of each, which are used for single/two digit and three digit numbers respectively.

While the interstate and US highway shields will be basically identical everywhere in the US, the state route shields will vary for each state. Therefore I will walkthrough how to make the shields for NY state routes and provide you with style files for the interstates and US highways.

First, we need the background image, specifically a vector image like SVG, not a raster image like PNG, BMP, or JPG. A good source for these is Wikipedia, which also provides them under a Creative Commons license.

First, search for "List of state routes in New York" on Wikipedia, which will bring you to this page: List of state routes in New York. Open the shield images for a single/two digit route and a three digit route in new tabs. In this case, I will open the shield image for NY-2 and NY-100. Find the Original file link, right click and save the files someplace where you can easily find them. Rename the NY-2.svg file to Shield-NY.svg and the NY-100.svg file to Shield-NY-wide.svg. Open Shield-NY.svg in Inkscape, which you installed earlier.

In Inkscape, click View > Zoom > Page.

Click Edit > Select All then click Object > Ungroup still will allow the components of the shield to be selected individually.

Now click on Edit > Deselect, then click on the number two in the image, then click Edit > Delete.

You now have a blank shield. Click File > Save to save it. Repeat the same operation for Shield-NY-wide.svg. Once you are done, you may close Inkscape. At this point you would move Shield-NY.svg and Shield-NY-wide.svg into your styles directory, but they should already be there from earlier.

Now we need to add some shields to map. We will use a dedicated layer for shields which we will need to create. So in QGIS, click on Layer > Create Layer > New Shapefile Layer.... Set Type to Point and select Project CRS (EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo Mercator) from the dropdown. In the New field options set Name to type, set Type to Text data and, set Length to 2, then click the Add to fields list button. Repeat the previous step with number for Name, Text data for Type, and 4 for Length. Then click on the id field in the Fields list and click Remove field.

Then click OK. You will now be prompted to save the new layer. Navigate to your data/cooked directory and create a new directory named us-ny-shields, save the layer inside this directory with the same name. You should now have a new layer named us-ny-shields in your Layers Panel, for consistency rename it to cooked/us-ny-shields and drag it down to just below cooked/us-ny-places. Save the project.

Let's place our first shield. I'm going to place it on NY-25, at the northern tip of Long Island in the southeast of the map. Make sure the cooked/us-ny-shields layer is selected and click Layer > Toggle Editing. Then click Edit > Add Feature. Your cursor should change to a reticle looking shape, click on the tip of NY-25 to place a marker at that location. You will now be prompted to set the feature attributes. We will follow the following convention: type should be set to I for interstate shields, U for US highway shields, and the two digit state abbreviation for state routes, in the case of New York, that would be NY. number is simply the number of the route, in this case 25. Enter the appropriate information.

Finally, click OK to add the marker to the layer. Then click Layer > Toggle Editing. You should see the marker added to the map, but it is quite unimpressive as a small colored circle. We need to make it look like a shield. Apply the cooked-shields.qml style to this layer. The premade style already includes styles for interstates, US highways, and NY state routes including both standard and wide variants. If you need to create your own, investigate how the existing ones are done and copy new rules. The main things you'll need to change are the type value in the Filter and the path to the SVG image to use.

Now following the previous steps add shield markers wherever you deem it appropriate. This is my result:

With that, we're pretty much done. Now we only need to export our map into a usable format.

Map Export

Click on View > Zoom Full, then click on Project > New Print Composer. For the title enter Image Export, and click OK.

Click on View > Zoom Full.

On the right column, change the page size as appropriate. Since I'm in the US, I'll change it to ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11in). Click on Layout > Add Map and drag a rectangle to fill most of the page.

Drag the sides of the map to perfectly cover the entire page.

You may need to click View > Refresh to get an updated look after changing the size. Click on the map and select the Item properties tab on the right. Click on the Set to map canvas extent button.

Play with the Scale field under Main properties until the state fills most of the page. Use the Update preview button to see its effects. I got good results with a Scale of 3300000.

Now click Edit > Deselect All.

Now, click on Composer > Export as Image.... Save the file in a convenient location with a convenient name. In the Image export options set the size to something reasonable (I used with width of 4096px), and finally click Save. This is our final result: